Friday, January 27, 2012

Module-2 Blog Journal

Mary Grady URL Blog:
Module 2: Blog Journal
Advocacy 411: Early Intervention
Name: Observicng and Interaction with professionals and colleagues in a setting
Date: January 26, 27, 2012
Name of the Program: St. Vincent Depaul Child Care Center/Infant & Toddler section
Who I spoke with: one of my co-teachers, teacher in infant 's classroom and two's parents
The program I did my field work research is being done at a centered-based child care center. This center has beeen awarded accreditation by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). The environment of the center was very warm, friendly and caring for the children and families.

After sitting talking and observing with everyone I learned that there is a need to better conduct the EI screening for example have someone the child is familiar with present during the screening and to train teachers to administer these screenings. This process will result in a more accurate result due to the child being comfortable with the adult. Another option that was suggested that would lead to accurate assessment of young children would be if the screener/tester could spend time prior to administering the assessment familiarizing him/or her with the child. But I know this is not always possible so one teacher proposed having the screener provide teachers and parents with a tip-sheet that would help the children feel comfortable withthe process.

I observed a child name Tristan (not child real name) he is 26 months. I could see much needed early intevention for this child for example his social and emotional skills did not foster cooperation and interdependent relationship. I talked to a couple of parents in the morning asking different questions many said they would like to be invloved in the process but many did not know how early intervention work. Families, most particularly parents are vital participants in early intervention programs, both at an organizational level, determining policies and scope and at the individual level where they are intimately involved in determing the EI services that their own child will receive (

I know there will be challenges, questions and conerns about early intervention and parents will ask them but one stood out when it was said to me; Keeping staff informed, there are times when we are NOT openly communicating, therefore we are NOT serving our famikies and children to the fullest. I found a website where you can ask many questions or concerns you may have and get answers. This website was set-up by Tara Deringor and Julie Hudak both are licensed physical therapist, Thereapeutic Early Intervention Service Inc. at  What I have learned about this experience talking to other individuals in the field has helped me to really want to research and advocate for Early Intervention. One thing that stand out in my mine is; Early intervention enhance gowth in children and it makes a big different in their lives.


  1. Hi Mary,
    It is so difficult to have open communication with families especially when you have concerns about their child. Many parents don't want to hear that their child needs to be evaluated. They certainly don't want to hear there is a delay or disability.
    I have seen the effects of early intervention and can say that with the right services, it is very possible the child will go on to kindergarten and no longer qualify for services because they no longer need them. We have seen this happen over and over in our preschool program. We have had children with significant speech and language delays and they tested out of services before leaving our program. They no longer qualified with a delay. Very exciting stuff!

  2. I am glad parents want to have services. We have parents who don't want to push through with services once they enter kindergarten.

  3. Mary,
    What is the 'El' screening. When discussing tests - give a brief explanation as the reader has a better understanding of screening tests that are out there. Nice Job.
    I agree with Wendy - that many parents in fact do have difficulties discussing their child's delays or learning difficulties. Many times it's because they had the same issues growing up.

  4. I, too, wondered which screening the school is using? Also who conducts it now and how soon after starting at the center is it done?
    I work with 3-5 year olds and we have 45 days to get the Denver II screening performed. This gives the children a little while to get to know their teachers, so there is not a problem with them being wary of us. I have not worked with Infants & Toddlers and realize they might be different with anyone who is not Mom.
    Who provides Early Intervention services in your area? Here it is the public schools and they have a lot of literature (in Spanish and English) that can be given to parents. There are also parent support groups that meet through the schools. I wonder if anything like that is available for your parents to attend to get more information or just to meet others with special needs children?

  5. Hi Mary:
    One of the reasons I chose Communication on my research paper is because of what you described above. Parents need to not only get involved in their childrens classrooms and teachers for the child to feel secure and structured(where homelife overlaps into school life)but for them to know what is going on with their child. I find it to be the fathers in the family that tends to be in denial of their children's issues that need to be caught up to speed.
    I always recommend to the parents in my home daycare to use the screening for the early intervention program here in my Wauconda School District that is free. I advise them that it is to their benefit to see where their child is at and a fresh pair of eyes from mine and theirs. I will be getting my daycare assessed from a state run program called the QRS, or Quality Rating System. Each factor is rated in my daycare, such as business factors or environmental factors. One factor brought up is how the child is evaluated. I will be incorporating that the parent will have to have their child assessed through that child's school district in order for that child to be enrolled in my home daycare. I feel that if something is delayed with the child, they can have the school suggest recommendations and deal with the parent directly. If the child qualifies for the early preschool program they offer out of the elementary school, a bus would pick up the child from my home as well as bring them back and everything is free (well it comes out of our taxes of course). If they are not shown to have developmental delays, than we know where the child is at. It is a win-win situation.
